2025 T-Ball Spring House Leagues
T-BALL | Co-ed | 2019 birth year | Mondays | May 6 to June 24, 2023 | 6:00PM to 7:30PM | Northlea E&MS
*Dates and location subject to change pending TDSB and City of Toronto permits*

There is a 20-25 minute warmup and drills session before each game. We recommend players arrive 10-15 minutes early to get ready.
- Each diamond will have 3 teams rotating from (1) batting, (2) infield defense, and (3) outfield defense.
- There are no umpires and no outs are called.
- There is no scoring and no wins or losses.
- Every player in the lineup will hit each inning, and each player will get to hit with no strikeouts.
- Players will be hitting a soft, reduced velocity baseball from an instructor.
- Games are played on baseball diamonds with slapdown bases and cones for designated positions.
- Team Bags include bats, helmets, balls, and name cones.
House League Coach Binder (TBall) - Spring 2023